Pêchetourisme Espagne dans Presse et télévision

www.pechetourisme-espagne.fr Nouvelles, vidéos et reportages de La Voz de Galicia sur Pêchetourisme Espagne (Pescaturismo)

www.pechetourisme-espagne.fr Nouvelles, vidéos et reportages de La Voz de Galicia sur Pêchetourisme Espagne (Pescaturismo)

Commencer le tourisme de pêche à Cangas

The skeeper of the Cangas Fishermen's Guild, Javier Costa, is a veteran of the sector who has debuted as a host in his new professional adventure, Fishingtrip. A couple from Mallorca have been the protagonists of the educational trips through the Cíes for the first time aboard the skipper's fishing boat.


www.pechetourisme-espagne.fr Nouvelles, vidéos et reportages de La Voz de Galicia sur Pêchetourisme Espagne (Pescaturismo)

Le tourisme de pêche à Cangas attire les Allemands

The first foreign tourists to board the Nuevo dos Victoria after the Covid are Germans. The skipper of Cangas, Javier Costa, who in July launched his guided tours to the islands of Cíes, Sálvora and Ons, has invited tourists from other countries to be "literally impressed" by the possibility of seeing how species that do not exist in their country are caught, such as sea bream or sea bass.


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